
Immigration in Mexico

The series of reports #MásAperturaMenosBarreras seeks to broaden the discussion and invite reflection, by decision makers and society in general, on the opportunity that immigration represents for Mexico.

Likewise, it aims to change the narrative around migrants seeking to settle in Mexico.

These reports are made in collaboration with Corazón Capital, México, ¿cómo vamos? and PJCOMEXI.

The first report of #MásAperturaMenosBarreras explains some of the many reasons why immigration is a catalyst for diversity of thought and innovation and with this, the increase in the productivity of countries and the well-being of their population.

The second document of #MásAperturaMenosBarreras, some of the reasons why immigrants are an asset for the country in economic and social terms are elucidated. The areas and potential regional development nodes, such as the Centro-Bajío and the northern border, are illustrated geographically.

One year after the launch of the first #MásAperturaMenosBarreras report and two years after the start of the pandemic, Mexico has become even more relevant for humanitarian and economic migrants. Our projections, and those of many experts, indicate that migratory flows throughout the territory will increase imminently.

More Openness, Less Barriers
Interview Series

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